USA orders Ethiopia to change internal Borders of Ethiopia!

In what seems to be a new turn to its belligerence, the United States is now dictating Ethiopia not to change internal borders. It is also demanding the full withdrawal of Eritrean and Amhara regional state special forces from the Tigray region, as the U.S calls it.

According to the latest statement from the State Department, the United States seems to consider Wolkait and Raya regions – regions which the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) incorporated into Tigray after taking central government in 1991- as parts of Tigray region.

The statement from the state department came after Secretary Blinken on Tuesday spoke with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed, which he disclosed in his Twitter message.  He wrote :

“I spoke with Prime Minister @AbiyAhmedAli today. Eritrean forces need to withdraw fully from the country, and we must ensure full, safe, and unhindered humanitarian access to all populations in need.”

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed did not remark about his phone conversation with the US Secretary of State.

In the statement from the State Department, issued on July 6 2021, the U.S. demanded an affirmation from Ethiopia that Ethiopia is not changing domestic administrative arrangements.

It said that Mr. Blinken urged Ethiopian Prime Minister to commit to, among other things, “an affirmation that neither the internal nor external borders of Ethiopia will be changed by force or in contravention of the constitution.”

Military government in Sudan has invaded Ethiopian territories after the Ethiopian Defense Force deployed in the border was withdrawn due to the law enforcement operation in the Tigray region in November 2020.

The reference to external borders in the statement from the U.S. state department could be related to Eritrea.

Another point that the U.S. is pushing for, and the U.S. thinks it is urgent, is “inclusive political dialogue.”   Ethiopia has declared a unilateral ceasefire on June 28 and withdrew soldeirs from the Tigray region of Ethiopia.

TPLF has rejected the unilateral ceasefire as it expressed interest in pursuing “enemy” forces into Eritrea and the rest of Ethiopia.  According to citizen report emerging in social media, TPLF already attempted military incursion into what is called the Amhara region of Ethiopia.

This week, TPLF disclosed that it has more than 30,000 forces in Sudan. They crossed the Ethiopian border in December 2020 , as asylum seekers, after they lost the war to the Ethiopian Defense Force.  A considerable portion of TPLF forces who crossed to the Sudan were linked to the Maikadra massacre.

Meanwhile, Ethiopia’s state of emergency task force this week disclosed that the TPLF is unleashing widespread attacks, including summary executions of innocent civilians, in Mekelle and other cities in the region after the Ethiopian government declared a unilateral ceasefire and withdrew forces from the region.

The task force did not specifiy number of people killed so far. Geez Media, a local media with links to the region, reported on its facebook page that In Adigrat only more than 200 civilians are massacred by TPLF forces.

The TPLF has not yet seen international condemnation regarding extensive rights vioaltions it is engaged in the region after the withdrawal of Ethiopian Defense Force.

TPLF has also made public its intention and interest in continuity of conflict in the region when it unveiled plans to pursue enemy to Eritrea and different parts of Ethiopia.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Eritrea, as also announced that the TPLF has embarked on extensive revenge killings in the region.

Yemane Gebremeskel on Tuesday tweeted, “TPLF is on a rampage of revenge killings & wanton massacre of civilians, including in “refugee” camps.  Yet, these atrocities & all TPLF illicit acts continue to be grossly shunned by the politicized UN agencies (OCCHA, UNHCR etc.), certain governments & affiliated media outlets”

About expeder

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