The Abiy Regime has been rewared by Biden for Theft and Crime.

In what appears to be a knee jerk shift of the Biden Administration in its stance regarding the PP regime and the disregard it entails on accountability of atrocities as well as theft of food aid to the most vulnerable Ethiopians, the Abiy gangs seem to be rewarded for bad and criminal behavior. One may read what transpires as the story of a practical person gives in for a suicidal juvenile. Can one validly speculate that Abiy might have threatened/informed US officials  that Ethiopia would disintegrate, and he does not care much, if it is not allowed to receive food aid/economic injection from the West? The Poverty Party in Ethiopia might have considered feeding the hungry and the IDPs as the responsibility of the rich West. In such a puzzling corner, do you allow even the most despicable and misbehaving juvenile commit suicide with far reaching consequences or give in for the time being and let life teach him a lesson? Disciplining and holding accountable the rogue regime and its cadres is ultimately our collective responsibility. 
The application to BRICS membership is just a phony gimmick that does not have meaningful benefit to Ethiopia or to the block. BRICS was practically doomed at its conception for lack of a shared value.  Even South Africa has been inside the black nominally and strictly for ceremonial purposes, and has been a burden instead of a strategic partner. The inherent contradiction of the political-economy of BRICS is that India has remained a sleeping economic elephant where the worst abject poverty and inequality reign whereas Russia dive deep into dictatorial economic mess. Brazil is rocked by internal economic instability and moving from one economic crisis to another and still remains one of the most inequitable systems in the world. South Africa has been an embarrassment both on the economics of inequality, extreme unemployment, and sluggish economic growth and ever deterioration in governance. What about China? China has managed to register steady economic growth but its export led growth model is no longer sustainable in the foreseeable future. And its main straight jacked comes from its backward and even worsening political rigidity from the emergence of Xi Jinping as president. So if any country is smart and strategic enough, it has to distance or at least work at arms length to BRICS as it is not reliable or sustainable. The block has increasingly moved away from an economic cooperation scheme to that of phony political posturing with little shared value to stand on. This creates a sugar-high stimulation effect but does not yield that loaf of bread to live by. 
In the verbal gymnastic of sorts, PINE also came and left the stage without even a splash to be remembered with. PINE? Yes, you guessed it right. When politically incorrect but more realistic terminologies came to the front, those veiled ‘shitholes’ good-for-nothings soon quietly closed shops and left town. So much prohaha and the fact of the matter is that unless and until national governments work diligently to address the challenges of their domestic private sector to generate growth, create employment, improve efficiency, and absorb innovation, nothing of substance will come to improve the miserable economic life of its rapidly growing population. 
Regarding Ethiopian Airlines, there is a lot to be said ….and as Minga and Yonas noted unveiling the greedy and destructive ways of Oromumma and the PP juvenile team is the first but there are a lot of economic, management, and governance issues that deserve further deliberations. That topic, I will come back later on this stage or with a separate write up. And yet, this is a topic that all concerned Ethiopians should engage in as it is a telling sample of what is bound to transpire in the Ethiopian political-economic landscape. 
Till then, my best wishes to you all


About expeder

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