Mr. Armand Zorn – Candidate for German Parliament

My name is Armand Zorn and I would like to represent you in the German Bundestag (Federal Parliament) . I am a typical Frankfurter. Like more than 50% of the people of Frankfurt, I was not born here. I was born in Cameroon. I attended school in Cameroon until the seventh grade, until in 2000 I moved to Halle (Saale) – without speaking the German language.
The fact that I am able to run for the German Bundestag at all makes me proud and humble at the same time. My stony path in life is a path that society has also paved for me.

I grew up in modest circumstances. In doing so, I was always told that you can make your dreams come true with diligence and hard work. With the support of my parents and society, I have managed to develop and realize my potential. Without the scholarships, the people who supported and inspired me and the many part-time jobs, this would not have been possible. I was able to do my Abitur and successfully study Politics & Administration, European Affairs, International Economics and Business Law in Halle (Saale), Paris, Chongqing (China), Konstanz and Bologna.

I have gained professional experience in the Federal Ministry of Finance, the German Bundestag, the French National Assembly and the Representation of the European Union in Hong Kong.

As part of my many years of work as a management consultant, I have supported companies in digital transformation and in dealing with risks as well as in compliance with legal regulations. Today I work as a project manager in development cooperation and accompany the introduction of a sustainable economy with the help of new technologies.

About expeder

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